Business Office
Fax: (570) 893-4923
Joni MacIntyre
Business Manager
(570) 893-4900 ext. 2312
Kristy Serafini-Brooks
Fiscal Operations Supervisor
(570) 893-4900 ext. 2311
Lynn Lose
Payroll Secretary
(570) 893-4900 ext. 2316
Kathy Muthler
Benefits Secretary
(570) 893-4900 ext. 2315
Kelly Wark
Student Activities/
Athletics Secretary
(570) 893-4900 ext. 4505
Dawn Peters
Accounts Payable/
Grants Secretary
(570) 893-4900 ext. 2317
Julie Evey
Purchasing Secretary
(570) 893-4900 ext. 2301
Welcome to the Business Office
The office is located in the District's Administration Wing at 86 Administration Drive, Mill Hall, PA 17751 (behind Central Mountain High School)
Directions to the District Administration Office:
From the red light at Route 150 and Lusk Run Road, take the second left by the tennis courts. Stay to the left up the hill. Visitor parking is at the top.
Office hours are Monday - Friday from 8 am - 4 pm.
Our main phone number is (570) 893-4900 and our fax number is (570) 893-4923.
Workman's Comp Information
An injured employee must immediately report any injury to his/her principal or first level supervisor. The principal/supervisor should be sure that he/she is thoroughly familiar with the circumstances under which the accident occurred. At the time an injury is reported, the principal/supervisor should direct the employee to the school nurse to complete an Occupational Injury Report form. If non-emergency medical attention is needed, the injured employee should be directed to make an appointment with a posted panel provider. If emergency medical attention is needed, the employee may treat anywhere.
An injured employee is required to complete the packet of Workers' Compensation forms as soon as possible. It is important to include the name of any witness (es) to the accident or injury.
All injury reports must be sent in a timely manner to Kristy Serafini-Brooks in the Business Office to be reported to the worker's compensation carrier, Eastern Alliance. Please feel free to contact her at 893-4900, ext 2311 or with any questions.
Student Insurance
Low Cost Student Accident Insurance
Keystone Central does not carry medical insurance on its students. However, the District does provide you with the opportunity to purchase Accident Insurance through Bollinger Insurance, underwritten by Monumental Life Insurance Company. Please see the attachment brochure at the bottom of this page for more details.
You can choose from two different Medical Insurance plans:
School time only protection at $40/year, or
24-hour round the clock protection at $144/year.
There is a maximum benefit coverage of $500,000 for any one accident and it will cover any sustained injuries including school sports (except football). Coverage includes (to usual & customary charge): hospital services, emergency room charges, surgery, doctor's visits, x-rays, prescriptions, and more. Please check the brochure for complete details.
Life Insurance is only $30/year for $10,000 in coverage. Certain pre-existing conditions will apply. Please check the brochure for a complete listing and details.
Dental Insurance is also available for $20/year with a maximum benefit coverage of $5,000 for any one accident. It does not cover routine dental work. Certain exclusions also apply. Please check the brochure for a complete details.