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Adult & Community Education


The Keystone Central School District is pleased to be able to offer its facilities and instructors to help meet the educational needs of the community. We offer a wide variety of lifelong learning opportunities designed for personal enrichment, job retraining, or skill enhancement. Please check back often as these educational opportunities are changing and expanding. 

Evening Classes: Evening classes will be offered several times a year in a variety of areas.  Most classes are held at Central Mountain High School on Tuesday or Thursday nights from 6 to 8 pm. Costs vary for each class.   For an updated schedule, call the Adult Education Office at (570) 893-4900 x 4301.

The majority of classes are held at the high school in various rooms, participants will be notified of directions to park and get to your class, through email or phone call the week prior to the class. If a class is offered off-site the address will be provided in the description. 

The Keystone Central Adult & Community Education Program is always looking for ideas for future programs.  If you have suggestions or are in need of a specific type of training, please email 

Fall 2024 Class Offerings

Can-Do-Crafty-Cards with Elaine Barth

Monday October 7 - 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. 

Come join us for fabulous Fall-themed cards for all occasions. New designs and fresh materials will be waiting for you

in ready-to-go kits for an easy assembly process. We will make at least 10 cards at this Make-N-Take event! All materials provided!

Class cost is $35/per person in Room E019. 

Can-Do-Crafty Cards with Elaine Barth

Monday, November 4 - 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas with this card class. Come join us for a Make-N-Take of holiday cards using

traditional and non-traditional color schemes and motif. We will make at least 10 cards. Your kits are easy to use, and easy

to assemble! Come join us for a stress-free holiday prep event! All materials provided!

Class cost is $35/per person in Room E019.

Crocheting with Noel Greene

 Noel of NoChells Crochet will teach you the basics of how to crochet, or if you are more advanced, how to take your craft

to a new level.  Each participant will get a crochet hook and a tapestry needle, a printed pattern for the project for the class,

and information on how to find patterns for future projects. For more information on Noel check out her Facebook page

NoChells Crochet.

Class cost is $35/per person in Room E019

Keystone Central School District does not discriminate in their educational programs, activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, ancestry or any other legally protected classification. This policy is in accordance with state and federal laws, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. Information relative to special accommodation, grievance procedure, and the designated responsible official for compliance with Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 may be obtained by contacting the principal.

Credit Card Payments are accepted at the link below.

Payment Center - Payment Center - PA: Keystone Central School District - Adult Education Classes Keystone Central School District (

Refunds and/or credits will only be given if a class is cancelled. Classes will be cancelled approximately one week prior to the date if the minimum number of participants have not been met. 

Any violation of this policy should be reported to the principal, who will investigate and make determinations, within policy, based on the investigation. Appeal of the principal’s decision can be made to the Director of Pupil Services.





Highly Qualified training to meet Title 1 Requirements

KCSD is offering online courses to prepare for the Title 1 compliant assessments. Each of the self-paced 13 courses takes about 45 to 60 minutes to complete and include a short assessment test and completion certification. After completion you will be able to take the practice assessments and the two Title 1 compliant assessments. The cost is $85 which includes the 13 courses, practice assessments and the two Title 1 compliant assessments. For more information email or call the ACE office at 570-893-4900 x 4301.

The courses include:

Supporting Instruction,
• Title 1 Reading
• Title 1 Writing
• Title 1 Mathematics
Reading Skills
• Title 1 Narrative Texts
• Title 1 Informative Texts
• Title 1 Decoding Language & Utilizing Layout
Writing Skills
• Title 1 Parts of Speech & Effective Sentences
• Title 1 Mechanics of Writing
Mathematics Skills
• Title 1 Understanding the Basic Skills
• Title 1 Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages
• Title 1 Basic Algebra • Title 1 Basic Geometry
• Title 1 Basic Data Analysis

Title 1 Compliant Assessments

  1. Reading, Writing, & Math—Instructional Support. Evaluates the ability to support reading, writing, and math instruction.
  2. Reading, Writing, & Math—Knowledge & Applications. Evaluates knowledge & skills to solve problems in reading, writing, and math.

South Renovo Park

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Chapman Township North Bend Park

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Memorial Park

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Woolrich Park

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Castanea Park

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Wayne Township Park

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Keystone Central School District Park Program 



Summer Recreation Program

Welcome to the Summer Recreation Program, this program is designed to offer free, fun, safe, and supervised activities to any child aged five years to 12 years of age within the Keystone Central Community. The program runs Monday through Friday, 9:30 to noon, from June 17 until August 9. This year 10 playgrounds are participating, they are Hammermill, Tiger Den, and Piper-Harmon in Lock Haven, Chapman Township (North Bend), Renovo, South Renovo, Castanea, Mill Hall, Pine Creek Township (Woolrich), and Wayne Township. 


The program is a collaborative effort between the school district, Clinton County, The Clinton County community Foundation, and 7 sponsoring municipalities. Also making the program possible are the Rotary Club of Downtown Lock Haven, The Kiwanis Clubs of Mill Hall and Lock Haven, the Loggia Giosue Carducci Lodge No 146, Club 903 Small Game of Chance, and the Lock Haven Order of Eagles #4298. 


Park/Playground Rules


  1. Listen to all instructions from the Park Supervisors. They are here to assure all participants have a safe and fun time. 

  2. Be Safe. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.

  3. Be Responsible. Follow directions the first time given.

  4. Be Respectful. Use appropriate language and behaviors at all times.

  5. Be Kind. Always treat others as you would like to be treated.

  6. Wrestling, karate, tackling, fighting, and horseplay are not allowed.

  7. Use playground equipment as it is intended to be used (ex. Jump ropes are to be used for jumping only.)

  8. Caution for other students on the playground must be observed while playing all group games.

  9. No possession or use of drugs, e-products, or tobacco. Possession or use will result in disciplinary action as outlined in KCSD district policy and can lead to an arrest and/or fine.

  10. Possession of a firearm and/or other dangerous weapons and objects which are designed or used to inflict bodily harm or place a person in fear of his/her safety or well-being are strictly prohibited. This includes pocket knives. 

  11. No Teasing or Bullying.

  12. All other playground rules established by the local municipality. 

Failure to follow the rules as described above can lead to the participants’ removal from the summer recreation program. 


Since our activities are conducted outdoors, rain could make this difficult or impossible. If it doesn't seem logical to be open or stay open due to weather conditions, the park will close for the day.

4th & 5th of July Closing

The program will close on the 4th and the 5th of July in recognition of the 4th of July holiday. 

Drop Off and Pick Up

If you are not staying with your child, please be respectful of the program's hours. Do not drop off your child before 9:30 and please pick them up at noon. 

Questions or Concerns

The park supervisor is the first point of contact for the summer program, if they cannot answer your question or issue, they can relay that information to the Park Coordinator. If you need to contact the Park Coordinator, you can email or call 570-893-4900 x 4301, and leave a message. All messages will be responded to by the end of that program day.